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Saturday, 17 November 2012

Keajaiban di Gaza

Assalamualaikum... im sure all of u know what's going on wif gaza,right. i mean palestine...
so, lets pray for them,k. :'(

Sejam yang lalu
subhanallah..Allah Akhbar......
Keajaiban di peperangan Gaza

Al-Kisah yang telah diceritakan oleh al-fadhil Ustaz Abdullah Zaik Abdul Rahma, Pengerusi Ekskutif Aman Palestin dan juga meran
gkap Presiden Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia yang telah pergi ke Gaza pada 20-31 Januari yang lalu.Berikut adalah beberapa kisah benar dan pengalaman beliau di Gaza:

Peristiwa 1

Seorang Ketua Mujahid Gaza berkata pada Ustaz Zaik bahawa, ketika satu pertempuran, komander mujahidin menyuruh pejuang tidak menembak kereta kebal Yahudi yang memasuki kawasan mereka. Dengan berbekalkan baki 6 RPG, tiba-tiba senjata ini menembak ke arah kereta kebal tersebut dan
memusnahkan ia. Komander itu menjerit agar tidak menembak dan para pejuang berkata mereka tidak melakukannya. Mereka berkata tiba-tiba senjata mereka berfungsi dan menembak sasaran. Setelah habis adegan aneh itu, para pejuang mendapati baki 6 RPG itu masih tidak digunakan! Dan siapakah
yang menembak tentera laknatullah itu??? Allahu Akhbar!

Peristiwa 2

Temuramah bersama tentera Yahudi laknatullah oleh TV Israel yang cedera mengatakan bahawa mereka melihat pejuang Gaza kesemuanya berpakaian putih sedangakan uniform pejuang Hamas bewarna hijau! Siapakah yang berbaju putih itu???

Peristiwa 3

Tentera Yahudi yang buta setelah serangan berkata mereka tiba-tiba dibaling pasir ke mata mereka dan tidak tahu siapakah yang melakukannya.

Peristiwa 4

Peluru berpandu yang pertama di lancarkan oleh Israel ke Gaza mengenai sasarannya iaitu anggota tentera mereka sendiri! Ia berpatah balik!
Allahu Akhbar!

Peristiwa 5

Pada permulaan perang, roket-roket Hamas yang hendak dilancarkan, tiba-tiba salah satu roket itu meluncur laju ke udara tanpa ada sesiapa yang mengaktifkan ia. Dan roket itu mengenai sasaran di Israel !

Peristiwa 6

Yang paling menakjubkan, seorang ulama Syria telah bermimpi bertemu dengan Rasulullah SAW dan kelihatan baginda sedang mengeluarkan pedang dari sarungnya. Ulama itu berkata, "Wahai Rasulullah, ke mana kamu mahu pergi?", lalu baginda menjawab, "Aku mahu berperang di Gaza !!!".
MasyaAllah, Rasulullah sendiri mahu berperang di Gaza , di manakah kita?

Itulah serba sedikit dari kisah takjub yang sempat diceritakan oleh al-fadhil Ustaz Abdullah Zaik setelah berada lebih seminggu di Gaza atas misi kemanusiaan. Ia kisah benar yang perlu umat Islam ketahui.
Allahu Akbar!!!


Allah...Allah...Allah...Selamatkan n turunkanlah bantuanMu pada saudara2 kami ya Allah..T_T

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Its over!!!!!

Assalamualaikum.. heii there!!
wait.. hurray!!hurray for what?? for holiday!!!yeah!!

my exam, its over!!! the things dat i have waited for dis couple weeks..
as i said, i want to be a teacher.. i love too!!! but i hate to study.. study isn't my thing. chewaah!!hahaa

btw, after all, i have learnt a lesson..
but before dat, i would like to share how i spent my night the previous night..

well, last night i was supposed to study for my Social Studies. yeah, the killing paper!! its hyperbole, paper will not kill u, LOL! unfortunately, my head seems like did not work like it used to do last night. i got migrain!!
so, i decided to swallow 2 panadols. yeah. im not sure wat countable noun used for panadol. yeah. just ignore. like, who cares?ahah.
then, i thought that i will be better! but soon after that, when i started to read my notes, i suddenly feel dizzy.. and it got worse.. so, i tried to lie and read my notes..
however, pathetically, i found that i'd slept for two  hours! and when i woke up, its midnight already!! and i was just like, aaaaaaaaarrrrrrgggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhh!!!
but thanks to my sayang bcoz he woke me up...seems like he is d one who will be going to sit d exam bcoz he was way worrier than me..hahaa.. btw, thx, dear!! awww..
so.. i started to study at 12.30 ..yeah, midnight.. but then , tme flee, and again, i felt sleepy.. and i didnt realize dat it was almost 2 o'clock..oh my!!
so, i decide to sleep.. but!!
guess, what!i cant sleep.. yeah, at all!! i hate this feeling.. i really need to sleep at that time bcoz d next day i will sit an exam which cost 3 hours!!so, i guess,.. poor me...
at last, i Tawakal je laa.. which mean, i let everything to Allah.. coz I  believe, Allah will always by my side.. Hasbunallahu wa ni'mal wakil...

and alhamdulillah.. dat paper, was not dat killing paper ... i did just fine.. USAHA+DOA+TAWAKAL..

Monday, 5 November 2012

Est's Questions

alhamdulillah. kertas est pn da lepas..
so, i wanna share a litlle bit about the questions.

Section A & B are both structure questions.
in section A it will be unseen poem (25 marks)
section B, unseen short story (25 marks)
these unseen poem n shrt story mean that we never learn about that particular thing in class..
for these questions, i feel a little bit worried because i never learn bout those tings, but insyAllah, i hope for d best for this paper..

for the unseen poem, i have to analyse the "Mid-Term Break " poem
and for the unseen short story is "Two Kinds"

well, lets proceed to section C & D. Section C and D are both essay questions.

section c, we thought that there will be  2 choices as what we have done in class..
but d format maybe had changed,right.. sme goes with section D.

for section C (25 marks) , it will ask us about Drama, which are King Lear and Florence.
d question for section C for my paper is about how irony used in the development of theme. kinda easy, but be careful, we are not going to talk about theme, but about how IRONY used in the development of theme,,

For section D (25 marks) it often asked us about the novel, Things Fall Apart.
the question for section D is about how setting used in the development of theme..

c, both questions asked about literary devices!!!
Alhamdulillah.. i managed to answer d questions even though it was quite hard.!!

my lecturer used to say that this paper is hard to score but hard to fail.. so, dont worry.. insyAllah.. all of us will pass this paper...

Ya Allah..smoga Nur Safawanie lulus dengan cemerlang dalam peperiksaan.. :D  aaaaaaaaaaammmiiiinnnnnnnn

Saturday, 3 November 2012

EST NOTES (Things Fall Apart)

Assalamualaikum.. wanna share some notes wif all of u.. dis is for English studies subject,keh..



The first external conflict happened between Okonkwo with his father. This conflict implicitly described trough Okonkwo’s feeling to Unoka. He totally disagreed with his lazy father. However he did not explicitly show any confrontation to his father. His dislike to his father manner can be seen when he tread his oldest son, Nwoye. The boy was the second type of his father to whom he should confront (chapter 1and 2).

Okonkwo’s adoration of his manliness made him neglect women’s power. Even he considered women are weak. In fact, his culture had clear distinction between women and men in terms of roles in household and planting. But, it did not mean that women had no important part. In this case, Okonkwo faced Chielo, an ordinary woman but had role as Agbala’s priestess. Somehow Okonkwo became quite stubborn to this goddess. He broke the law of the Week of peace (chapter 4). When Ezinma was taken away to the cave by Chielo when she was entranced by Agbala’s spirit, Okonkwo challenge her (chapter 11).

The third external conflict was happening with the white men. Their presence was really threatening the elder’s role in the society. Besides, they brought new religion and teaching that frontally neglected their tradition and religion. The white men came and threatened the society as if they had no worth and wisdom. Okonkwo and other spiritual leaders disagreed with the new comers (chapter 21, 23 and 24)

Okonkwo was surprised when he found himself was in deep ad long grief after the death of Ikemefuna. He experienced it but then he denied it again as if it was not the part of his personality. He cursed himself as woman. His big ambition has taken him out from that reality. However, unconsciously he had been fighting for days. He then realised:
“When did you become a shivering old woman, you, who are known in all the nine villages for your valor in war? How can a man who has killed five men in battle fall to pieces because he has added a boy to their number? Okonkwo, you have become a woman indeed.” (chapter 8, p. 65)

 Okonkwo was loyal to the rule of the society and the tradition of their ancestor.When he had to be exiled out of the village; he found it was difficult since he had to go to a place in which he has no right to be respected as a great man. He received the reality, though he had deep struggle into it. This must be a self conflict for him. He was lucky that he had a wise uncle, Uchende, who receive him with compassion.

 The last internal conflict that was experienced by the main character happened between his ambition and his despair. His ambition to be a respected man was not lasting long anymore because of guilty feeling and despair. After killing the messenger of District Commissioner, he realized that he had killed their brother. It was never taught by their ancestors. It means that he broke the rule once more. He broke it again at the time he had to maintain it. He just did what he was afraid about. This grief made him end his life by hanging himself. He was a failure.

good luck for ur next Monday exam!!